Director and Screen Writer

Kiumars Pourahmad

“The first time I watched it in a private screening, I yelled with joy to Habib ‘Habib, what a magnificent movie!’ And after watching it for the second and third time, I believe even more that Hahib’s movie is magnificent. A film in praise of peace and friendship and boundless cooperation and solidarity of humans.”

Kiumars Pourahmad, the Iranian director published a note (In Persian) in ISNA, titled “What it was and what happened” in which he explores his past cooperation with Habib Ahmadzadeh and some incidents during the screening of The Miracle of Bonasan in the USA. In this note, he states that he was hurt by seeing Ahmadzadeh being insulted online following the screening of his movie in the USA. Pourahmad continues with explaining how his cooperation with Ahmadzadeh began 16 years ago when he started writing the Night Bus screenplay based on one of Ahmadzadeh’s short stories and soon, it grew into a deep friendship despite their differences because of Habib’s compassion and morality.

In this note, Pourahmad says that Ahmadzadeh is the one who can bring everyone in Iranian cinema together no matter what they believe, but this is not all and Ahmadzadeh is indeed a researcher and seeker of the truth as his work on the assassination of Mohammad Masoud (an Iranian journalist during Shah’s time) and the life and work of Sadeq Hedayat proves it.

Pourahmad believes that experiencing war very early in life, has impacted Ahmadzadeh immensely. He is a veteran still suffering from the long-term effects of his injuries, but this is not all. Having war in his home town has resulted in a peace-loving character who does everything to create some peace and joy in the world and this passion is reflected in many of his works for the marginalized groups such as children in the border, the prisoners and people affected by natural disasters.

Pourahmad ends the note with admiring the three main characters of the movie and condemns the media attack after some incident in the USA following the screening of this movie. He invites everyone to watch the movie instead (a movie that promotes friendship and cooperation among the human kind) and to judge for themselves.