Director at Maharishi Vedic University & director of the Maharishi Foundation International

Dr. Girish Momaya

Miracle of Bonasan was a very beautiful movie, very touching to heart and the whole theme is very timey for the world today.

Miracle of Bonasan beautifully connects the present time with the past and with what the human kind has done so wrong in certain areas like inflicting wars and sufferings. Yet, human kind possesses necessary values to correct all its mistakes and help each other. This empathy is very well touched in this film.

In addition, the future and how we can affect it in the present are connected in this movie; we see how the seeds we plant today, can make a beautiful garden of flowers, flowers of peace, harmony, joy and love and every good thing that human heart has to present. So, human values can grow in societies and we will see peace on earth, like a heaven and we can celebrate life, like the end of this movie when the beautiful music comes as a celebration of peace and harmony.

We should awaken human heart because it can cause harm and has a tendency for aggression, violence and hate. Human kind has failed in the past and we should protect our own human race, so we can prevent the mistakes of past, either it is atomic bombing or chemical warfare. When we witness such harms in the movie, it is a much deeper experience and it goes deeper in the soul than just hearing or reading them as news.

Overall, this movie is a very profound work that can help humanity.